Crispy Parmesan Carrots

Video crispy parmesan carrots recipe

These Crispy Parmesan Carrots are my new favorite way to eat carrots! They’re coated in a smoky spice rub then roasted with a cheesy crispy parmesan crust on each carrot…..YUM!

Parmesan crusted carrots in an oven dish

I feel like I’ve been eating carrots wrong my whole life until now! I’ve always loved roasted carrots as they become sweet and caramelized in the oven. The addition of the parmesan makes them cheesy and salty but creating the parmesan crust takes them to another level!

These beauties are similar to my popular Parmesan Potatoes that were a huge hit!

Trust me when I say they will be your new favorite way to eat carrots. Serve them as a side dish over the holidays or at your next event and all your guests will love you!

These crispy parmesan carrots aren’t the only vegetable to try this method with. You can do the same method with so many other roasted veggies too! Try them with brussel sprouts, eggplants, sweet potatoes and you can even make parmesan broccoli. The list is endless!

It’s also a great way to eat more veggies especially for kids. I mean, who doesn’t love anything with a crispy parmesan crust 🙂

Some other roasted veggie recipes to try are my Cauliflower Steaks, Sweet Potato Slices and Crispy Potatoes

Table of Contents

  • Why you’ll love this recipe
  • Ingredients and Substitutions
  • How to make Crispy Parmesan Carrots
  • Tips to make Parmesan Crusted Carrots recipe
  • Storage and Reheating
  • FAQs
  • What to serve with Crispy Parmesan Carrots?
  • More Vegetable Sides
  • Recipe
  • Comments

Why you’ll love this recipe

  • Really easy to make and takes less than 25 minutes to cook
  • They will become a showstopper at your next dinner party or event. I mean who wouldn’t love parmesan crusted carrots!
  • The marinade is super customizable and you can also easily make them vegan
  • You can do this method with other veggies too!
Roasted parmesan carrots flipped in an oven dish to show crust

Ingredients and Substitutions

  • Carrots..well you’ll of course need some carrots to make these roasted parmesan carrot sticks! Use medium carrots and try to buy and cut them similar lengths which will make them easier to layer in the oven dish
  • Parmesan cheese because you can’t have roasted parmesan carrots without the cheese right! I always recommend buying a block of good quality Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and grating it yourself. Pre-grated cheese won’t give you the same flavor and doesn’t taste as good. Grana Padano is a great substitute to Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. Its a little cheaper but not as full of flavor.You can easily make these parmesan carrots vegan too! Use a plant based parmesan cheese and you’re good to go!
  • Extra virgin olive oil is always my preferred oil to use in all of my cooking for its unique taste. You can use avocado oil or grapeseed oil, melted butter can also be used
  • Garlic cloves because garlic makes everything better! You can mince it or finely grate it. Fresh garlic is always my preference but garlic powder of course can be used too
  • Smoked paprika gives a lovely colour and smoky flavor to the roasted carrots. Sweet paprika is also great too
  • Cumin powder gives a lovely earthiness and works so well with the smoked paprika
  • Chili powder or red pepper flakes are added for a little kick. You can add as much or as little as you like
  • Fresh parsley is my preferred herb here, I prefer using fresh herbs for freshness. Fresh thyme or even dried herbs such as oregano would be great substitutions too

How to make Crispy Parmesan Carrots

Making these parmesan crusted carrots are so easy and will be a crowd pleaser everytime.

Steps on how to make parmesan crusted carrots
  1. Start by preheating the oven to 200°C/400℉. Then prepare carrots by peeling them and slicing them in half lengthways and then in half again
  2. In a large bowl, make the marinade by adding olive oil, grated garlic, paprika, cumin, chili, parsley and a pinch of salt. Mix to combine
  3. Add the carrots to the marinade bowl and mix so that all the carrots are fully coated
  4. In a non stick oven dish or baking sheet, sprinkle a handful of freshly grated parmigiano reggiano cheese
  5. Dip the flat side of the carrots into the remaining grated parmesan cheese (as pictured) and place them cheese facing downwards on the baking sheet
  6. Repeat step 5 until all carrots have been dipped. Make sure to place them next to each other in a single layer without any gaps in between them (refer to image) Bake for 20 – 25 minutes and when ready, immediately flip the carrots with a spatula to reveal the beautiful parmesan crust
Roasted carrots straight out of the before being flipped

Tips to make Parmesan Crusted Carrots recipe

  1. Try to buy similar length carrots. This way they can be sliced into the same length which makes layering them in the oven dish so much easier
  2. Freshly grate the parmesan cheese yourself! Trust me it always tastes so much better! I always buy a block of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and then grate it when ready to use it
  3. Ensure you finely grate the parmesan cheese so you can cover all the carrot fries for the best even crust
  4. Use a non-stick oven dish or sheet pan so you don’t lose that amazing parmesan crust. If you don’t have a non-stick oven dish, you can use parchment paper. The roasted carrot sticks won’t be as crispy though
  5. Remove the parmesan roasted carrots from the oven tray immediately with a spatula. Once they start to cool down, the parmesan cheese will harden and can stick to the oven dish
Close up of roasted carrots with crisp sticking them together

Storage and Reheating

  • If you are lucky enough to have any leftovers, keep them in an airtight container in the refrigerator and they will last 3-4 days
  • You can then reheat the parmesan carrots in the oven or air fryer which will make them nice and crispy again. They’ll only need a few minutes using either method.


Side angle of crusted carrot sticks in an oven tray

What to serve with Crispy Parmesan Carrots?

These parmesan carrots are amazing on the side of your favorite protein alongside other yummy side dishes and salads. Some options are:

  • Crispy tofu
  • Teriyaki salmon or other fish
  • Cauliflower steaks, regular steak or chicken
  • Chopped Greek salad
  • Mushroom pea risotto
Plate of parmesan crusted carrots

More Vegetable Sides

  • Cauliflower Steaks
  • Baked Sweet Potato Slices
  • Sauteed Mushrooms and Onions
  • Oven Roasted Vegetables
  • Crispy Roasted Potatoes

I love seeing your creations and remakes, so be sure to rate the recipe, comment and share your Parmesan Crusted Carrots photo on Instagram so I can share the love!


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