Hilarious Funny Work Memes 75+ to Share With Co-Workers

These hilarious funny work memes are the perfect way to communicate with your co-workers and team.

As someone who has spent many years in management in corporate America, I can tell that one way to turn around a crappy situation is a funny work meme.

Funny Work Memes 2023

Break the tension, relieve the work stress and bring humor into the workplace. Life is too short to spend all day at work miserable!

If you need to break the tension or rally the team, enjoy these funny work memes.

From inappropriate work memes for co-workers to boss memes, enjoy sharing these with your co-workers, managers and employees.

Work Stress and Struggles

Here’s the deal with funny work memes and humor. Making your co-workers laugh is a delicate balance between making their day and getting sent to HR.

Work Hard Meme

The best part of having a job is that if you work hard, the company will just let you keep working hard.

Need to congratulate an employee after putting in extra hours? This work hard meme is a start. Make sure you don’t just send a meme.

Working hard, or hardly working? Business cat would like to know.

If you aren’t a work hard play hard type, this is for you.

Not knocking hard workers, but I do hope that your company is as loyal to you as you are to them.

Funny Memes About Work

Human Resources does not find work humor funny, well at least most of them don’t. I have to preface this in saying – make sure your co-workers have a sense of humor.

Unfortunately, not everyone is as awesome and thinks work memes are as great as we do. Tread lightly but enjoy sending funny work memes to your co-workers.

The majority of us have to work and while I’d love to say that every one of us loves our job, even the best job has bad days. As a manager, one of my favorite ways to help lighten the mood was to send out funny work memes to my co-workers.

A few times, I even upped the ante and found funny work memes and printed them as a little gift, leaving on my team’s keyboards or posting on their cubicle walls.

If you are a hard-working employee whose company says that they value you but your paycheck says otherwise.

Also, make sure these don’t cross the line with any work policies. I am just here to share some happy not to get anyone in trouble, so use these work memes at your own risk (or just enjoy them for your personally LOL!)

Me at Work Memes

These are the perfect funny work memes about that job you may not love. So what are you REALLY like at work? Here is a collection of funny me at work memes that you just might relate me.

If you aren’t sure if one of these funny work memes is safe to send, consider sending something like one of our motivation monday quotes – better safe than sorry.

My friends and me at work are like “Dear God, make me a bird so I can fly far far far away from here.”

Oh, touch base with you – that’s never a good sign.

when the annoying co-worker says "I just want to touch base with you" i
annoying coworker meme

Here is to 2023, working remotely is the norm for about half of us that were in the office previously. With working remote comes the beloved and dread video calls.

Whether you use Microsoft Teams or Zoom, you will find these zoom memes highly relatable.

Bad Day At Work Meme

Does your job do this to you? This bad day at work job meme is too relatable.

When you are dealing with a lot at your job and life, this hard time meme speaks truths.

Driving to Work Memes

Not all of us are still remote, there are some who have returned to the commute to the office. If you are one of those employees who had to return to the office, these funny driving to work memes are for you.

When you are driving to work but weighing the pros and cons of driving to another country and starting a new life instead.

Productive Memes

When you are in the zone, this productive meme says it best.

The secret to productivity? Work smarter not harder.

Having an effective team and management helps.

Pooping at Work Memes

This pooping at work meme is inappropriate but also hilarious.

Payroll and Paycheck Memes

Let’s face it. We all go to work for those dollar bills, yo. The paycheck is the star of the show.

This paycheck meme is me as a teenager not having any bills to worry with or any idea how much taxes were taken out. Oh to be young and carefree.

If you are hourly or a contractor, we all know this payroll meme to well. When accounting comes knocking for time cards – or maybe you are the accountant needing the payroll, here are the funny timesheet memes.

Pay Day Meme

Whether it’s a one off payment, a bonus check or just your regular paycheck – the excitement shown on this pay day meme is real.

Pay Me Memes

When you need those dollar bills. Use these pay me memes for when you have an invoice due, a client won’t pay, your family owes you money or whenever you need to collect payment.

Need that money STAT. Send a text with your Venmo, Cash app or whatever form of payment you accept to get paid.

As illustrated in this hilarious funny pay me meme, sometimes you have to go all Chris Farley to get paid.

Day Off Meme

Sometimes we just need a day off of work to do nothing or catch up on life.

Know your company’s policy for when you take PTO to ensure that you don’t have to work on your day off. Yes, checking your email or getting messages from work do not constitute time off of work.

Know your work rights as an employee!

Daily Work Memes

We’ve got the funniest memes for your 4 or 5 day work week.

Monday Work Meme

This Monday work meme about your face at the beginning of the week versus the end, yep.

Y’all, that Monday work struggle is real. Don’t miss our Monday Work Memes web story to kick start your week.


When its only Tuesday and you’ve run out of patience for work for the week.

Here’s our Tuesday memes.


It’s hump day, and this Wednesday work meme is what you need to get over that hump.

Share our Wednesday memes.


When you thought it was Friday, but your terrible coworker reminds you that it’s only Thursday.

Here are our Thursday memes.

Friday Work Memes

When you realize that it’s not Friday, yeah – time to share funny work memes instead of working, right?

Work on Friday be like… Don’t miss our Friday memes!

Look at all this work I haven’t done yet… Don’t miss our weekend memes because the work week will finally come to an end, eventually.

Back to Work Memes

Time to head to the office. These back to work memes pretty much sum it up. When that alarm goes off and you realize you have to go into work.

When you know you have to go back to work but you really don’t want to go. Been there done that, you can do it! We have faith in you.

Whether you are on a lunch break, it’s your last day of vacation or you just woke up and really don’t want to log on or go into the office. We feel you and we have been you.

Looking back the house, wishing you worked from home.. Just out our work from home memes.

Leaving Work Memes

Whether you are just done with your work day or ready to leave work early, these funny leaving work memes say it all.

This is how I leave the office.

Leaving Work Early Meme

It’s one thing to know you have a full day ahead, but the temptation to just leave work early is real. Even just 5 minutes into work, who else is ready to go home? Don’t miss our Office Space memes. The perfect LOLs relatable to life and the cult classic movie.

That boss is always bursting bubbles. Who cares if there is 7 hours left in the work day.

After Work Meme

This after work meme is accurate.

Great Job Meme

With all the humor, these funny work memes also are great for encouragement.

Send a great job meme as a way to compliment or if you are sarcastic – use as a way to troll your co-workers.

Send this sarcastic great job meme to the co-worker who always goes over and beyond, chasing that raise.

Inappropriate Work Meme

Are you that person who is sending inappropriate work memes to help your coworkers get thru the day with some laughs? If this is you, then make sure to forward this inappropriate work meme.

New Job Memes

Did you land a new gig, let’s share some new job memes!

This new job meme sums up well that feeling of relief from having to deal with an old boss.

Yeah, about that. When you may have stretched the truth about your work experience, and then actually get the job. Now you are trying to figure out how exactly to do it. Hello, AI!

Don’t miss all of our funny SpongeBob memes for more humor for this sea sponge.

I Hate My Job Memes

For those who hate their job and hate work, we present you these funny I hate my job memes.

How many times today have you thought about quitting that job you hate?

That money think is real. If you get paid too much and need that paycheck but hate your job – the struggle is real. Just remember, money isn’t everything!

When you hate your job and don’t want to work meme. But you show up anyways

When you hate your job and it doesn’t pay enough to support the lifestyle that you want – ouch. Find a new job! Recession be gone. The job market is getting better, thankfully.

I hate my job meme – do I love my job, no – but does it afford me the ability to go on lavish vacations and buy anything I want? Also no. Eventually vacay will come, and we have vacation memes for that day.

Don’t Want to Work Meme

When you don’t want to work but you gotta pay those bills.

Speaking of paying bills…. Those bills will get you EVERY SINGLE TIME!

Human Resources

Unfortunately, most discussions with the HR department aren’t good. We have an entire post dedicated to HR memes.

Human Resources does not find work humor funny, well at least most of them don’t. I have to preface this in saying – make sure your co-workers have a sense of humor.

When Human Resources is showing you posts your written, and hate my job memes you’ve posted! Post smartly, y’all.

Bored at Work Memes

How many are searching for bored at work memes? Maybe I’ve just been unlucky, but never have I ever been paid from a job to be bored.

If there is a Monster.com or LinkedIn group for jobs that pay you to be bored, please leave in the comments!

Calling in Sick Memes

While you probably shouldn’t call in dead, these funny calling in sick memes about kill me. You still coming to work?

What about calling in a mental health day? Mental health days are a benefit that all employers should have! Let’s normalize taking mental health days.

Rather than burning out by overwork, let’s get HR to create mental health days that let us take a break when we need!

Late to Work Memes

It’s hard being on time when the Starbucks line is THAT long. If you have a habit of being tardy for work, then don’t be surprised if a coworker sends you a late to work meme.

Just a little late to work, no biggie – right?

You late to work, NEVER! (If you love this movie, don’t miss our Hocus Pocus memes!)

Job Searching Memes

When you are trying to find a job, these funny memes will hit home.

Where on your resume does it show your uncanny ability to make a person hate 8 hours of the day so much?

Work Sucks Memes

The daily 9-5 is rough. Work sucks I know! Take a break and enjoy these work suck memes rather than thinking about how terrible your job actually is.

And sometimes you need a work meme to just state the obvious. Exhibit A: work sucks I know meme. You are welcome.

If there ever was an optimistic work sucks meme this would be it.

I like this job only marginally more than being homeless. Man, you know your work sucks when…

Welcome to the Team

The proper way to welcome a new employee to the team, is of course with a work meme. Not just any, we have a whole collection of Team Memes for you to share!

The job market is crazy right now. Americans are leaving their jobs in record numbers (source: Reuters) which leads to new co-workers and team mates.

Work Team Meme

What makes the dream work? Teamwork memes – or thats what I’d like to think.

New Employee Memes

When compiling our funny work memes collection, we couldn’t forget about the new employee memes. Oh new employees are the best, and worse or best? Here are new employee memes.

When they ask you to show the new employee around the office.

Funny Office Memes

Do you work in an office? Then these office memes will have you LOLing. Work from home? Don’t miss our work from home memes. So many people are being called “back in to the office” or are working hybrid in 2023. If you’ve made the transition, this may hit home.

But the irony of printing a meme is what is even funnier to me!

Be kind, even if it does cost you your sanity. I mean, come on – Janet! If we all have to go to this dump called an office just roll with it.

Okay, who broke the work internet? Yes, our system is down obviously we broke it just for fun and to make your day more difficult. I feel bad for IT departments on days when the system is down. Oddly though, I feel like everyday my personal system is down.

If you binged Netflix Squid Game – perhaps you are thinking to yourself that playing for the big prize is better than going to your day job. (don’t miss our squid game memes) That moment you realize playing Squid Game sounds better than going to work

Get a Job Meme

Thankfully the teen found a job rather quickly, but I know it could have gotten bad if he was jobless.

Y’all this get a job meme might come in handy if you have a non-working house guest or family member.

Jobless Meme

While working can be h-e double hockey sticks, truth is we need that paycheck. If you are jobless and without work – we got you.

Enjoy these funny unemployment memes.

Office Gossip Memes

Tell me more (while telling myself to keep a straight face.) These office gossip memes are just too funny.

Funny, this whole work from home era has changed how office gossip works. No longer is their loud chatter overheard from your cubicle neighbor. Now, office gossip is different.

Work Gossip Meme

When you know something and you have to tell your coworker the latest work gossip.

Gossip, the thread of whispered conversation and conjecture that once flowed through the workplace, has dwindled in our new network of home offices and half-empty headquarters. Detached from many of our work friends, forced to type out most of our thoughts, we’re finding that gossiping feels risky, weird and hard.

Serendipitous run-ins with colleagues from other departments by the coffee machine—Did you hear what happened in sales? Did you know she’s leaving?—have been replaced by formal Zooms with little time for chitchat. Hybrid work schedules mean even when we’re in the office, many others aren’t. Stuck on calls with the same five teammates, sometimes it feels like there’s simply no new information to be had.

Wall Street Journal

More Funny Work Memes

Here are more hilarious job memes for the under appreciated. Me, every work day staring at the entrance to my job like…

Drinking on the Job Meme

YASSS!! When HR asks how to improve your work environment. Alcohol vending machines! Drinking on the job meme because this is a reality is lots of companies.

Get to Work Meme

This get to work meme is the perfect way to troll your favorite coworker who needs to stop talking and do their job. Another use, text this to your teen who will be late to work (again) if he doesn’t wake up and lave. Or better yet, if you are a manager with an employee who is slacking.

Working Meme

When someone asks me how I handle this job.

Work Emails

These funny work email memes are hilarious but way too relatable.

This is the absolute worse. When someone sends you something to do and they could have done it in less time than it took at actually send the email. *FACE PALM*

Per My Last Email Memes

What most passive aggressive statement than… per my last email. If someone types that, oh you better watch out! Her face says it all. Anytime I get this in an email, this funny work meme pops into my head – I hope it does the same for you. You are welcome.

Maybe not call a coworker a b*tch – but this passive aggressive way “Per my last email” is sooo office speak for this!

Managers and Boss

Next on our list of work memes, these are for those who have a boss that just sucks A boss can make or break a job. If you have to spend 40 hours + a week somewhere, I hope you don’t have a boss like one of these.=

when your boss is always cracking lame jobs but you can
when your boss meme

This is a classic… My boss told me to have a good day, so I went home. Enjoy all of our hilariously funny boss memes.

Tells you how to do your job, doesn’t know how to do your job and your boss sucks.

Underpaid Meme

When you are underpaid and know that there’s an 8 year old YouTuber makings millions this year.


5:00 pm meetings should be illegal. The best way to reply to this is with sarcasm. Drop him a have a great day meme.

There were so many meeting memes – we dedicated an entire post to them!


These funny coworker memes provide such great work humor. Just a heads up, you probably shouldn’t actually send these to your bad coworkers, but that’s on you.

Of all the funny work memes, this one just brings me back to the days of being on the Keto diet while working in the office. And with this I bring you funny coworker memes. There is always that one person, bringing in the donuts when you are trying to diet! (Check out these hilarious diet memes.)

We all know SOMEONE at work, usually a bad coworker that makes us wonder how they got hired and how they aren’t yet fired! Here is a how do you still work here meme that is totally relatable.

Workplace Meme

I admit it, I am that person. Except, if this desk is considered neat – yeah, my desk isn’t the neatest.

Work Training Meme

Bless. And no smoking crack at work, or ever, please. When you are training someone and have given instructions 3 times and they still don’t get it. Don’t miss these Barbie memes.

Immature coworkers? Then you can totally relate to this work meme!

Break Room Meme

The person who is responsible for maintaining the office break room and cleaning out the fridge, this is for you.

An office break room meme to remind those people to label their food in the fridge. I mean, if you are going to post a sign – might as well make it a funny work meme.

Bad Week Meme

When you are having a terrible no good, very awful week – yeah that’s no fun. This bad week meme tries to put into a positive light.

Angry Customer Meme

No sir, you are not going to win this argument. When an angry customer threatens to leave a bad YELP review.

Not Working Meme

When you have better things to do while on the clock, this not working meme says it best.

There are those that don’t work. Then there are those lucky ones who have a job, are getting paid and yet have no work to do.

How do people find these gigs?

Last Day on the Job

When it’s time to quit your job, it’s time to quit your job! This is how you do it! Don’t miss our huge collection funny last day of work memes for all of the humor for your last day or a coworkers last day.

Work Before and After Meme

This made me think of the before and after memes of presidents.

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